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Jeff Norris


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City of Kitchener
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GIS Technologist
Jeff Norris is the current Web Manager at BeSpatial Ontario. In his normal day-to-day job he is a GIS Technologist at the City of Kitchener. He has attended both Mohawk College for Urban Planning and Fleming College for GIS. He specializes in FME and ArcGIS Enterprise. He utilizes his skills to analyze spatial data, create web apps, and to automate and modernize City-wide practices. He has served as Web Manager since 2019. In this role he is the co-administrator of their Virtual Events (on Pheedloop) as well as managing their website.

Beyond his professional life, Jeff is an avid gamer, immersing himself in tabletop Dungeons & Dragons and digital adventures. He also finds solace in hiking and expresses his creativity through intricate model building, showcasing his meticulous attention to detail (painting faces is hard). Jeff's multifaceted interests reflect his dedication to both the geospatial and gaming communities, as well as his passion for nature exploration and craftsmanship
Company and Position
GIS Technologist - City of Kitchener
Board Position and Email
Director & Manager, Web - web@bespatialontario.ca

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We are recognized as the premier geospatial and information non-profit organization in Ontario. where members share their experiences through networking and program events for the use and integration of spatial data, information, applications and technologies that provide solutions and solve challenges in both the public and private sectors.

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